6 Important Rules to Follow When Creating a Logo

6 Important Rules to Follow When Creating a Logo

A logo is a symbol or design used to identify a business or organization and its products, services, and workers, among other things. A logo, in its most basic form, identifies. It’s how people will remember and recognize your company. It also serves as the public face of your company. Design is a collection of tactics. Yes, you will be required to develop a visual at some time. However, most of the work, especially at the start, is strategic. Prepare to think and make decisions in addition to drawing.Because a logo is the face of a company and makes the initial impression, its design is crucial. Creating an effective visual depiction of a brand, on the other hand, takes far more than just graphic design. Like any other work area, logo design also demands a specialized set of talents and requires a lot of practice and experience to be effective; knowledge is undoubtedly power for any graphic designer.As a result, we’ve outlined seven crucial guidelines to follow while creating a logo. So, let’s get started.

1. Make Research and Strategy a Base   

Before jumping into logo creation, there is a crucial step you need to take to build such a logo that reflects your branding and marketing strategies; it is the creation of a mood board. A mood board is a condensed compilation of graphic materials representing a company’s visual identity. It can include inspirational photographs, colors, font, quotations, patterns, forms, and other elements that combine to form a unified brand direction.It needs to reflect the values and cultural beliefs your buyer personas have. The buyer persona is a fictional character who represents your target market. This identity is made up, but it is based on extensive research of your target market. Buyer personas help you find your place in the consumer’s life.Essentially, you should consider and speak about this model customer as if they were a real person. This will enable you to create marketing messages tailored to them personally.Keeping your buyer persona in mind ensures that everything, from product development to your brand voice to the social platforms, has a consistent voice and direction.Designers first need to use the marketing team’s research skills for this step. Because the mood board isn’t typically used as a final output like logos, colors, or typefaces, the client may enjoy the excitement of seeing their vision come to life without being sidetracked by the finer details or worrying about the result. Also, it will help designers understand preferences making it much easier to create such a logo that will stand strong in the competition and correspond to the brand’s goals. If done correctly, the mood board establishes the brand’s visual direction from the start of the design process, ensuring that all subsequent work is smooth and consistent with the brand’s essence.

2. Don’t Underestimate The Power of Typography

A logo’s success is determined by how distinctive it is so that when customers see it, they immediately recognize the brand or company it represents.Designers may make their logo look unique and distinctive by choosing the proper typography. It will appear distinct from other brands, allowing the designer to establish a different personality. People will be able to relate to the brand’s services and products, and it will be able to develop its identity.Understanding font psychology and how different types can elicit other emotions is crucial to determining which typography to use to represent your brand effectively. In addition, the use of appropriate fonts would immediately draw the customer’s attention. Businesses would love it if their logo design were made so that it immediately appealed to the customer when he saw it. Isn’t it what we want at the end of the day, though?

3. Readability is a must

Logos aren’t just little symbols that should look good on your screen, unlike what you would believe after visiting Behance. At all sizes, logos should be readable and identifiable. Consider how logos are applied. They can be found all over on outdoor signage, clothing, notepads, the internet, etc. If you can’t tell what a logo is at any size or distance, it’s not well-designed. That’s all there is to it.A logo is supposed to be simple and easy to understand, and overthinking the design might make things more complicated than they need to be. However, if your logo has a lot of parts, it’s still a good idea to look into your composition alternatives.Also, as a role, a logo should be recognizable even if it is shrunk down to fit into a half-inch square. Similarly, if you can recognize it after squinting at it, it probably passes the “readability” test.

4. Don’t Forget About Versatility.

One of the essential qualities of a successful logo design is versatility. Brands are highly apparent in the twenty-first century. They are bombarded with a variety of media. The majority of brands are engaged on social media platforms. A logo should look well across all social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Another reason for your logo’s versatility is that it aids in creating your brand identity. As a result, it should appear beautiful when a logo is put on the top of a letterhead, business card, or mobile app icon, as already mentioned above. Also, it is cost-effective when looking from another perspective, as logos may be used in various situations. It saves money and time as you do not necessarily have to produce several logos for each media campaign.

5. Easy to Recall.

The right logo design is memorable, helping a company to remain in the mind of a potential buyer and improve its brand identity, despite the competition for attention from competing firms. What is the best way to accomplish this? Simplicity is the motto in this situation. A basic logo may often be remembered after only a few seconds of seeing, which is impossible with a highly detailed design.Consider corporations like Apple, Google, or McDonald’s: each utilizes a basic symbol that people worldwide can recognize. When users see the mark, they immediately think of the brand. The core of a memorable logo is this.Simple logos also work well in a variety of applications and situations. Take a look at the Nike logo above and see how it’s used in various ways. You always recognize the brand, regardless of the application.

6. Start in Monochrome and Choose The Right Color Later

It is no surprise that the greatest method to celebrate your brand is to include some color in your logo design. But what if we told you that a discreet monochrome or black-and-white logo design might give you many benefits? However, creating a monochromatic logo can be difficult, especially when there are nearby color gradients, whitespace, and other sophisticated design features.For this reason, it will be the best practice to design a logo first in black-and-white and then add color if necessary. Having the monochrome version first helps to see the actual logo and understand the concept better, with its whole visuals and highlights the brand’s touch. Later, when the logo idea corresponds to the marketing strategy, it is time to add colors in the framework of the brand’s goals. All professional marketers know that colors are responsible for successful brands. Colors provide dimension to your logo by creating a visual link to the company’s beliefs and personality. The right combination can visually portray the mood your business is trying to convey to customers.Colors help your company connect with customers on a deeper psychological level than merely aesthetic attractiveness. When you choose your logo and color palette for your business, you also select the feelings and associations you want to elicit

To Wrap Up

When creating a logo, you should take some time to consider what each detail says about your brand. Following all these 6 fundamental and essential logo design criteria, you’ll be well on your way to having the perfect and engaging logo for your brand.� If you are having trouble creating a solid brand identity, talk to us. thePoint enjoys working with clients to establish distinctive brand identities for organizations, products, and services, as a vital component of our professional competence.